General terms of use (GTCs)
1 Location
HuMBASEpartout is a space for cultural use. It belongs to itself and allows self-initiated work through its open structure—independent of any expectations or prerequisites. To ensure that HuMBASEpartout is perceived as open by everyone, the concept of the space is based not on personalized directives—in other words, leadership—but on a set of rules and mutual solidarity. This means there is room for one’s own needs, as well as those of other users and the cultural space itself, and therefore requires particularly considerate interaction with each other.
1.1.1 HuMBASEpartout is a cultural space located within HuMBASE, Eckartshaldenweg 7, 70191 Stuttgart. The cultural space HuMBASEpartout is limited to the entrance area on the ground floor, the staircase to the first floor, and the former church hall on the first floor. A plan of the rooms available for use can be found here on the website. All restricted areas and the gallery above the church hall are private and excluded from cultural use.
1.1.2 HuMBASEpartout is a place for temporary cultural work and a space for presenting or exhibiting cultural works. Examples of cultural work: art production, rehearsals, trial runs, etc. Examples of presentation or exhibition projects: performances, exhibitions, readings, etc. The specific use cases included under this category and those excluded from use are listed under point (Cultural Use).
1.2.1 HuMBASEpartout owns itself. This means it cannot be appropriated. However, HuMBASEpartout wishes to be temporarily used and may lend its premises for a specific period. This temporary lending is possible through registration and booking in the user section on this website. The borrower(s), whether an individual or a group, are obligated to ensure that HuMBASEpartout is used only for the purposes specified in sections 1.1.2 and 4.1 (Cultural Use), and only within the scope for which it is designed or intended. Additionally, it must be ensured that the premises can be used by other persons or groups in the same manner after use.
1.2.2 HuMBASEpartout is not a public space but a private cultural space project. By signing this list, the user or user group agrees to accept the resulting legal conditions. The actions HuMBASEpartout may take in the event of a violation by the user or user group of the points listed here are detailed in section 5.8 (Violations and Damages).
1.3.1 HuMBASEpartout is a place of solidarity with one another.
1.3.2 This means that the users or user groups must show solidarity with the goals of the space and with the fellow users, and stand against any violations of the General Terms of Use (GTCs) and the Code of Conduct (CoC).
2 Structure
HuMBASEpartout is self-governing, with its needs represented by cultural caretakers. Since the space does not rely on a curated selection or thematic focus, the program is curated through the self-initiative of its users. The premises of HuMBASEpartout remain under private ownership. Users are guests at HuMBASEpartout at their own responsibility and risk.
2.1.1 The cultural space HuMBASEpartout is self-managed. HuMBASEpartout does not have a personalized management structure.
2.1.2 The space is accompanied by cultural caretakers (the HuM Collective, consisting of Hannah Häußer and Maximilian Borchert), who ensure that the rights of HuMBASEpartout are upheld and serve as points of contact for suggestions, proposals for changes, or grievances. The caretakers reserve the right to remove individuals or groups from the premises in the event of violations of the General Terms of Use (GTCs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC) or to take the actions outlined in Section 5.8 (Violations and Damages).
2.1.3 Every user is committed to contributing to the self-management of the HuMBASEpartout cultural project in accordance with the intentions of the owner. This means engaging constructively, non-aggressively, and with consideration to foster an atmosphere of possibility.
2.2.1 HuMBASEpartout is a private cultural space that invites anyone seeking a place to pursue a cultural project or initiative that requires space to join and participate.
2.2.2 HuMBASEpartout does not make selections based on procedures, exclusion criteria, or evaluations of relevance.
2.2.3 HuMBASEpartout refrains from having a curated program developed by a fixed artistic director. HuMBASEpartout hopes that a cultural program will organically emerge from the need for usable space and the activities of cultural workers on-site. Entering and working in HuMBASEpartout is done voluntarily and at one's own risk and responsibility. More on this in Section 5.11 (Liability).
HuMBASEpartout is both a cultural space and a cultural project, exploring ways to open culturally usable spaces and detach them from power structures. For this reason, HuMBASEpartout should not be seen as a fixed blueprint but as a constantly negotiable structure. As a result, the statutes and circumstances of the project, such as the General Terms of Use (GTCs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC), may change or expand. Additionally, HuMBASEpartout invites suggestions for improvement, encouraging participation in the development of the space.
3.1 HuMBASEpartout is both a cultural space project and a cultural project.
3.1.1 This means that the project is in a constant state of negotiability, giving it an experimental character. The initiators of HuMBASEpartout reserve the right to make adjustments to the concept and orientation of the cultural space, as well as to the General Terms of Use (GTCs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC). All users are invited to submit suggestions and proposals for changes to the initiators. The communication channels with HuMBASEpartout are currently under development. Until they are completed and made public, we ask all users to use the HuMBASE email address ( for this purpose. HuMBASEpartout asks for understanding if processes are slow, something does not work, or misunderstandings occur.
HuMBASEpartout is a space for all forms of cultural work, meaning that almost any practice is welcome. However, to create a safe space for cultural workers, necessary to meet the expectations of HuMBASEpartout, certain activities are excluded from use. Additionally, HuMBASEpartout sees itself as part of its neighborhood and asks users to respect the needs of its neighbors. Usage rights for HuMBASEpartout are always time-bound and never exclusive, and users must agree to preserve the integrity of the HuMBASEpartout building and leave it intact.
4.1.1 HuMBASEpartout is intended exclusively for cultural work. The definition of cultural work is not explicitly detailed by HuMBASEpartout but encompasses an enabling sphere that includes all non-aggressive, non-discriminatory, and non-violent cultural practices (see CoC). Excluded Uses To ensure a cultural safe space where diverse cultural workers can coexist and collaborate, HuMBASEpartout must exclude certain activities. It is important to note that HuMBASEpartout excludes only specific activities and projects, not individuals or groups. Excluded activities are those that primarily or exclusively use HuMBASEpartout as a commercial space. Excluded are activities that prevent individuals or groups from participating in events or using the space simultaneously based on gender, origin, religion, or any form of marginalization. Excluded are activities with discriminatory or adjacent content, except where the purpose is to critique discriminatory or adjacent content. Excluded are activities that violate the parameters described in the General Terms of Use (ANBs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC). Excluded are sound or light works that negatively impact the quality of life of nearby residents through noise or light, as well as purely concerts or parties. Excluded is usage between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Excluded is usage during the months of November, December, January, February, and March. Excluded are activities that use the HuMBASEpartout premises as storage or living space. HuMBASEpartout lives in solidarity with its neighbors and aims to maintain this state for self-preservation. This means HuMBASEpartout asks users to refrain from activities that, while not explicitly excluded under, clearly have the potential to cause conflict with the neighbors. Special attention should be paid to noise, light, and odors.
4.2.1 The HuMBASEpartout building must be maintained. The metal supports in the hall are essential for structural stability and are off-limits for any use or modification.
4.2.2 The walls, floors, and ceilings of HuMBASEpartout can be incorporated into cultural use. This means they can be painted or used to support objects. Nails, screws, and anchors may be used. Users must proceed with care and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the materials used. As outlined in section 5.11 (Liability), HuMBASEpartout is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of HuMBASEpartout. Due to health risks, the floor must not be damaged by drilling, screwing, sawing, or other means. As stated in section 5.11 (Liability), HuMBASEpartout is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of HuMBASEpartout. HuMBASEpartout requests that users treat the space sustainably and with solidarity so that it remains usable in the long term. This includes completely removing any alterations made to the building's structure during use and removing any materials used.
4.3.1 The usable space within the HuMBASEpartout building is limited to the following areas: Entrance area Foyer Staircase Church hall on the first floor Garden behind the building The solidarity with the surrounding residents outlined in applies particularly to the garden. Activities with potential hazards, such as fire, are strictly prohibited. This also includes cooking food over an open flame (BBQ) or similar activities. Care must be taken to protect the plant and animal life in the garden. Plants and animals must not be removed, killed, or harmed.
4.3.2 All other rooms, including the gallery, are excluded from cultural use.
4.3.3 The outdoor area around HuMBASEpartoutmay also be used after consultation with the cultural caretakers.
4.4.1 Unfortunately, the architecture of HuMBASE and HuMBASEpartout is not barrier-free. This means that access to the building is only possible via stairs. The ground floor can be accessed via a steep ramp. The toilets are located on the ground floor. There are no wheelchair-accessible toilets. The first floor is not barrier-free due to its architecture. The building does not have an elevator.
4.5.1 The use of HuMBASEpartout is temporary. Since HuMBASEpartout aims to be a space for many cultural activities and projects, it cannot provide a fixed studio structure with permanent workspaces.
4.5.2 The duration of use is therefore limited to the period specified by the user in the calendar of the user area. The maximum duration of use is 21 days. This period can be negotiated and extended in special cases, such as longer project durations, in consultation with the HuMBASEpartout caretakers.
4.5.3 Usage is limited to the months from April through October.
4.6.1 The use of HuMBASEpartout is non-exclusive. This means that multiple parties can book, access, and use the space at the same time. HuMBASEpartout is designed for shared negotiation of space use. This means that exclusive use rights must be negotiated situationally between the current users (see section 1.3, “Solidarity with HuMBASEpartout and Users”).
5 Working in HuMBASEpartout
To establish HuMBASEpartout as a flexible and spontaneous venue for cultural work, it is important to manage access to it. The access codes provided are time-bound and must not be shared with third parties. Additionally, HuMBASEpartout requests careful and economical use of its resources.
In case of violations of the General Terms of Use (GTCs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC), HuMBASEpartout reserves the right to exclude the responsible individuals from using HuMBASEpartout.
5.1.1 By registering and booking a time slot in the user area, temporary access rights to HuMBASEpartout are granted.
5.1.2 These rights include a time-bound access code for the key box at the main entrance of the building.
5.2.1 The temporary access code must not be shared with third parties. If the work involves a group or multiple parties, the code may be shared with the other participants. However, the code must not be published under any circumstances. For public events, a person responsible for the door must be appointed. After public events, the door must be closed by the responsible person. The last person leaving the building must ensure that all doors are locked.
5.3.1 The key, which is attached to the key box, must not be stolen or shared.
5.3.2 In case of loss of the key, the responsible persons must bear the cost of renewing the locking system.
5.4.1 H MBASEpartout is located in a residential area and considers itself a part of it. Therefore, its use must take into account the needs of the surrounding residents.
5.4.2 HuMBASEpartout can be used from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
5.5.1 The lockers on the first floor are available for users and can be used during the rental period.
5.5.2 Lockers must be secured with locks provided by the users.
5.5.3 HuMBASEpartout does not guarantee that every user will have access to a locker.
5.5.4 HuMBASEpartout assumes no responsibility for items stored in the lockers.
5.5.5 If a locker is still occupied 14 days after the actual use of the space, HuMBASEpartout will remove the contents and the lock.
5.6.1 The lighting in HuMBASEpartout can be controlled via individual switches or a switch panel in the church hall under the gallery. Instructions for operating the switch panel will be provided on-site.
5.6.2 The last person leaving the building must ensure that all lights are turned off.
5.6.3 HuMBASEpartout requests considerate use of energy, electricity, and water.
5.7.1 HuMBASEpartout relies on users or event organizers to clean up any mess caused by their use or events.
5.7.2 HuMBASEpartout provides cleaning supplies and trash bins for this purpose. Cleaning supplies are located in the cleaning room in the restroom. Trash containers are located outside next to the gate to the street.
5.8.1 In case of violations of the General Terms of Use (GTCs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC), HuMBASEpartout reserves the right to exclude the responsible individuals or groups from using HuMBASEpartout and to charge the costs of repairing any damage to them.
5.8.2 HuMBASEpartout requests that users notify the caretakers of any violations.
5.9.1 In emergencies, HuMBASEpartout requests that users first independently alert the fire department, police, or emergency services, as the person on-site is responsible for this.
Fire Department Number: 112
Police Number: 110
Emergency Services Number: 112
5.9.2 Afterward, HuMBASEpartout requests that the caretakers be notified. The caretakers can be reached at the following contact details:
Hannah Häußer: +49 17670063924
Maximilian Borchert: +49 15168145160
5.9.3 The first aid kit is located on the ground floor, in the entrance area, on the wall to the right.
5.9.4 The fire extinguisher is located on the first floor, at the left wall of the corridor.
5.10.1 In the entrance area of HuMBASEpartout, there is a cultural wall consisting of a wall space and a shelf available for all interested parties. This cultural wall is intended for announcing local and regional cultural events. Uses of the cultural wall Posters can be affixed to the cultural wall, and flyers and other announcement materials can be displayed. The cultural wall may be used by HuMBASEpartout users as well as external interested parties. Conditions for using the cultural wall Those who post announcements or advertisements must ensure that these materials are removed after the events are over. Announced and advertised events must align with the Code of Conduct (CoC) and values of HuMBASEpartout. Materials that do not align with these values will be removed by the caretakers.
5.11.1 The initiators of HuMBASEpartout and HuMBASEpartout itself accept no liability for any damages to persons or property resulting from the use of HuMBASEpartout or occurring in the building.
5.11.2 Entering and working in HuMBASEpartout is done voluntarily and at one’s own risk and responsibility.
5.11.3 The initiators of HuMBASEpartout and HuMBASEpartout itself accept no liability for loss or damage to items temporarily stored or used there.
General terms of use (GTCs)
1 Location
HuMBASEpartout is a space for cultural use. It belongs to itself and allows self-initiated work through its open structure—independent of any expectations or prerequisites. To ensure that HuMBASEpartout is perceived as open by everyone, the concept of the space is based not on personalized directives—in other words, leadership—but on a set of rules and mutual solidarity. This means there is room for one’s own needs, as well as those of other users and the cultural space itself, and therefore requires particularly considerate interaction with each other.
1.1.1 HuMBASEpartout is a cultural space located within HuMBASE, Eckartshaldenweg 7, 70191 Stuttgart. The cultural space HuMBASEpartout is limited to the entrance area on the ground floor, the staircase to the first floor, and the former church hall on the first floor. A plan of the rooms available for use can be found here on the website. All restricted areas and the gallery above the church hall are private and excluded from cultural use.
1.1.2 HuMBASEpartout is a place for temporary cultural work and a space for presenting or exhibiting cultural works. Examples of cultural work: art production, rehearsals, trial runs, etc. Examples of presentation or exhibition projects: performances, exhibitions, readings, etc. The specific use cases included under this category and those excluded from use are listed under point (Cultural Use).
1.2.1 HuMBASEpartout owns itself. This means it cannot be appropriated. However, HuMBASEpartout wishes to be temporarily used and may lend its premises for a specific period. This temporary lending is possible through registration and booking in the user section on this website. The borrower(s), whether an individual or a group, are obligated to ensure that HuMBASEpartout is used only for the purposes specified in sections 1.1.2 and 4.1 (Cultural Use), and only within the scope for which it is designed or intended. Additionally, it must be ensured that the premises can be used by other persons or groups in the same manner after use.
1.2.2 HuMBASEpartout is not a public space but a private cultural space project. By signing this list, the user or user group agrees to accept the resulting legal conditions. The actions HuMBASEpartout may take in the event of a violation by the user or user group of the points listed here are detailed in section 5.8 (Violations and Damages).
1.3.1 HuMBASEpartout is a place of solidarity with one another.
1.3.2 This means that the users or user groups must show solidarity with the goals of the space and with the fellow users, and stand against any violations of the General Terms of Use (GTCs) and the Code of Conduct (CoC).
2 Structure
HuMBASEpartout is self-governing, with its needs represented by cultural caretakers. Since the space does not rely on a curated selection or thematic focus, the program is curated through the self-initiative of its users. The premises of HuMBASEpartout remain under private ownership. Users are guests at HuMBASEpartout at their own responsibility and risk.
2.1.1 The cultural space HuMBASEpartout is self-managed. HuMBASEpartout does not have a personalized management structure.
2.1.2 The space is accompanied by cultural caretakers (the HuM Collective, consisting of Hannah Häußer and Maximilian Borchert), who ensure that the rights of HuMBASEpartout are upheld and serve as points of contact for suggestions, proposals for changes, or grievances. The caretakers reserve the right to remove individuals or groups from the premises in the event of violations of the General Terms of Use (GTCs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC) or to take the actions outlined in Section 5.8 (Violations and Damages).
2.1.3 Every user is committed to contributing to the self-management of the HuMBASEpartout cultural project in accordance with the intentions of the owner. This means engaging constructively, non-aggressively, and with consideration to foster an atmosphere of possibility.
2.2.1 HuMBASEpartout is a private cultural space that invites anyone seeking a place to pursue a cultural project or initiative that requires space to join and participate.
2.2.2 HuMBASEpartout does not make selections based on procedures, exclusion criteria, or evaluations of relevance.
2.2.3 HuMBASEpartout refrains from having a curated program developed by a fixed artistic director. HuMBASEpartout hopes that a cultural program will organically emerge from the need for usable space and the activities of cultural workers on-site. Entering and working in HuMBASEpartout is done voluntarily and at one's own risk and responsibility. More on this in Section 5.11 (Liability).
HuMBASEpartout is both a cultural space and a cultural project, exploring ways to open culturally usable spaces and detach them from power structures. For this reason, HuMBASEpartout should not be seen as a fixed blueprint but as a constantly negotiable structure. As a result, the statutes and circumstances of the project, such as the General Terms of Use (GTCs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC), may change or expand. Additionally, HuMBASEpartout invites suggestions for improvement, encouraging participation in the development of the space.
3.1 HuMBASEpartout is both a cultural space project and a cultural project.
3.1.1 This means that the project is in a constant state of negotiability, giving it an experimental character. The initiators of HuMBASEpartout reserve the right to make adjustments to the concept and orientation of the cultural space, as well as to the General Terms of Use (GTCs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC). All users are invited to submit suggestions and proposals for changes to the initiators. The communication channels with HuMBASEpartout are currently under development. Until they are completed and made public, we ask all users to use the HuMBASE email address ( for this purpose. HuMBASEpartout asks for understanding if processes are slow, something does not work, or misunderstandings occur.
HuMBASEpartout is a space for all forms of cultural work, meaning that almost any practice is welcome. However, to create a safe space for cultural workers, necessary to meet the expectations of HuMBASEpartout, certain activities are excluded from use. Additionally, HuMBASEpartout sees itself as part of its neighborhood and asks users to respect the needs of its neighbors. Usage rights for HuMBASEpartout are always time-bound and never exclusive, and users must agree to preserve the integrity of the HuMBASEpartout building and leave it intact.
4.1.1 HuMBASEpartout is intended exclusively for cultural work. The definition of cultural work is not explicitly detailed by HuMBASEpartout but encompasses an enabling sphere that includes all non-aggressive, non-discriminatory, and non-violent cultural practices (see CoC). Excluded Uses To ensure a cultural safe space where diverse cultural workers can coexist and collaborate, HuMBASEpartout must exclude certain activities. It is important to note that HuMBASEpartout excludes only specific activities and projects, not individuals or groups. Excluded activities are those that primarily or exclusively use HuMBASEpartout as a commercial space. Excluded are activities that prevent individuals or groups from participating in events or using the space simultaneously based on gender, origin, religion, or any form of marginalization. Excluded are activities with discriminatory or adjacent content, except where the purpose is to critique discriminatory or adjacent content. Excluded are activities that violate the parameters described in the General Terms of Use (ANBs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC). Excluded are sound or light works that negatively impact the quality of life of nearby residents through noise or light, as well as purely concerts or parties. Excluded is usage between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Excluded is usage during the months of November, December, January, February, and March. Excluded are activities that use the HuMBASEpartout premises as storage or living space. HuMBASEpartout lives in solidarity with its neighbors and aims to maintain this state for self-preservation. This means HuMBASEpartout asks users to refrain from activities that, while not explicitly excluded under, clearly have the potential to cause conflict with the neighbors. Special attention should be paid to noise, light, and odors.
4.2.1 The HuMBASEpartout building must be maintained. The metal supports in the hall are essential for structural stability and are off-limits for any use or modification.
4.2.2 The walls, floors, and ceilings of HuMBASEpartout can be incorporated into cultural use. This means they can be painted or used to support objects. Nails, screws, and anchors may be used. Users must proceed with care and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the materials used. As outlined in section 5.11 (Liability), HuMBASEpartout is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of HuMBASEpartout. Due to health risks, the floor must not be damaged by drilling, screwing, sawing, or other means. As stated in section 5.11 (Liability), HuMBASEpartout is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of HuMBASEpartout. HuMBASEpartout requests that users treat the space sustainably and with solidarity so that it remains usable in the long term. This includes completely removing any alterations made to the building's structure during use and removing any materials used.
4.3.1 The usable space within the HuMBASEpartout building is limited to the following areas: Entrance area Foyer Staircase Church hall on the first floor Garden behind the building The solidarity with the surrounding residents outlined in applies particularly to the garden. Activities with potential hazards, such as fire, are strictly prohibited. This also includes cooking food over an open flame (BBQ) or similar activities. Care must be taken to protect the plant and animal life in the garden. Plants and animals must not be removed, killed, or harmed.
4.3.2 All other rooms, including the gallery, are excluded from cultural use.
4.3.3 The outdoor area around HuMBASEpartoutmay also be used after consultation with the cultural caretakers.
4.4.1 Unfortunately, the architecture of HuMBASE and HuMBASEpartout is not barrier-free. This means that access to the building is only possible via stairs. The ground floor can be accessed via a steep ramp. The toilets are located on the ground floor. There are no wheelchair-accessible toilets. The first floor is not barrier-free due to its architecture. The building does not have an elevator.
4.5.1 The use of HuMBASEpartout is temporary. Since HuMBASEpartout aims to be a space for many cultural activities and projects, it cannot provide a fixed studio structure with permanent workspaces.
4.5.2 The duration of use is therefore limited to the period specified by the user in the calendar of the user area. The maximum duration of use is 21 days. This period can be negotiated and extended in special cases, such as longer project durations, in consultation with the HuMBASEpartout caretakers.
4.5.3 Usage is limited to the months from April through October.
4.6.1 The use of HuMBASEpartout is non-exclusive. This means that multiple parties can book, access, and use the space at the same time. HuMBASEpartout is designed for shared negotiation of space use. This means that exclusive use rights must be negotiated situationally between the current users (see section 1.3, “Solidarity with HuMBASEpartout and Users”).
5 Working in HuMBASEpartout
To establish HuMBASEpartout as a flexible and spontaneous venue for cultural work, it is important to manage access to it. The access codes provided are time-bound and must not be shared with third parties. Additionally, HuMBASEpartout requests careful and economical use of its resources.
In case of violations of the General Terms of Use (GTCs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC), HuMBASEpartout reserves the right to exclude the responsible individuals from using HuMBASEpartout.
5.1.1 By registering and booking a time slot in the user area, temporary access rights to HuMBASEpartout are granted.
5.1.2 These rights include a time-bound access code for the key box at the main entrance of the building.
5.2.1 The temporary access code must not be shared with third parties. If the work involves a group or multiple parties, the code may be shared with the other participants. However, the code must not be published under any circumstances. For public events, a person responsible for the door must be appointed. After public events, the door must be closed by the responsible person. The last person leaving the building must ensure that all doors are locked.
5.3.1 The key, which is attached to the key box, must not be stolen or shared.
5.3.2 In case of loss of the key, the responsible persons must bear the cost of renewing the locking system.
5.4.1 H MBASEpartout is located in a residential area and considers itself a part of it. Therefore, its use must take into account the needs of the surrounding residents.
5.4.2 HuMBASEpartout can be used from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
5.5.1 The lockers on the first floor are available for users and can be used during the rental period.
5.5.2 Lockers must be secured with locks provided by the users.
5.5.3 HuMBASEpartout does not guarantee that every user will have access to a locker.
5.5.4 HuMBASEpartout assumes no responsibility for items stored in the lockers.
5.5.5 If a locker is still occupied 14 days after the actual use of the space, HuMBASEpartout will remove the contents and the lock.
5.6.1 The lighting in HuMBASEpartout can be controlled via individual switches or a switch panel in the church hall under the gallery. Instructions for operating the switch panel will be provided on-site.
5.6.2 The last person leaving the building must ensure that all lights are turned off.
5.6.3 HuMBASEpartout requests considerate use of energy, electricity, and water.
5.7.1 HuMBASEpartout relies on users or event organizers to clean up any mess caused by their use or events.
5.7.2 HuMBASEpartout provides cleaning supplies and trash bins for this purpose. Cleaning supplies are located in the cleaning room in the restroom. Trash containers are located outside next to the gate to the street.
5.8.1 In case of violations of the General Terms of Use (GTCs) or the Code of Conduct (CoC), HuMBASEpartout reserves the right to exclude the responsible individuals or groups from using HuMBASEpartout and to charge the costs of repairing any damage to them.
5.8.2 HuMBASEpartout requests that users notify the caretakers of any violations.
5.9.1 In emergencies, HuMBASEpartout requests that users first independently alert the fire department, police, or emergency services, as the person on-site is responsible for this.
Fire Department Number: 112
Police Number: 110
Emergency Services Number: 112
5.9.2 Afterward, HuMBASEpartout requests that the caretakers be notified. The caretakers can be reached at the following contact details:
Hannah Häußer: +49 17670063924
Maximilian Borchert: +49 15168145160
5.9.3 The first aid kit is located on the ground floor, in the entrance area, on the wall to the right.
5.9.4 The fire extinguisher is located on the first floor, at the left wall of the corridor.
5.10.1 In the entrance area of HuMBASEpartout, there is a cultural wall consisting of a wall space and a shelf available for all interested parties. This cultural wall is intended for announcing local and regional cultural events. Uses of the cultural wall Posters can be affixed to the cultural wall, and flyers and other announcement materials can be displayed. The cultural wall may be used by HuMBASEpartout users as well as external interested parties. Conditions for using the cultural wall Those who post announcements or advertisements must ensure that these materials are removed after the events are over. Announced and advertised events must align with the Code of Conduct (CoC) and values of HuMBASEpartout. Materials that do not align with these values will be removed by the caretakers.
5.11.1 The initiators of HuMBASEpartout and HuMBASEpartout itself accept no liability for any damages to persons or property resulting from the use of HuMBASEpartout or occurring in the building.
5.11.2 Entering and working in HuMBASEpartout is done voluntarily and at one’s own risk and responsibility.
5.11.3 The initiators of HuMBASEpartout and HuMBASEpartout itself accept no liability for loss or damage to items temporarily stored or used there.